10 and 11am CrossFit
Extra Reading
Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity is the definition of CrossFit. The definition of CrossFit Tipping Point can only be truly understood by getting to know the members of our community. I’m so proud of the group of people that I get to coach and train with. No one comes into Tipping Point without getting to meet a piece of the heart of our box. You all come and workout hard everyday and there is no question that your performances continue to increase. I see a lot more that just athletes, I see a whole bunch of Dope People. Krista and I are so moved by yesterday’s shower. We are so excited to raise our son in the middle of the Tipping Point Community.
Bench Press (5x5x3x3x1x1)
CrossFit WOD(AMRAP – Reps)
30 KBS 32/24
50 ft Long Jumps
run 200m