6, 7, and 8am, noon, 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30pm
The secret to success in the snatch is the speed under the bar. Don’t forget, you’ve got to get it off the ground before you can get under it. Duh..,Right? Like we’ve been talking about, you need to catch the ball before you can run with it. You must explode through the hips before you can get under that bar. Don’t mute the explosion. Get it all!
Extra Reading
The gaps in your training aren’t in the gym.
Hang Snatch (3x3x3x3)
Don’t add weight until you earn it. Full Squat Snatch if you can.
CrossFit WOD (Time)
5 Rounds
10 OHS 95/65
10 Toes To Bar
25 Double Unders
10 OHS 95/65
10 Toes To Bar
25 Double Unders
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